
Christmas Palliatives for Widows in Bori, Rivers State Nigeria.
Christmas Pallitives Advert Dec 2020.
Widows in Bori, Rivers State waiting to receive their pallaitives
Widows at Bori, Rivers State.
Bottles of water supplied to less Previledge in Portharcourt, Nigeria.
Feed a thousand initiative in porharcourt, Nigeria.
Flyer for feed a thousand initiative portharcourt, Nigeria.
Feed a thousand initiative portharcourt.
Pallatives delivered to Orphan in Bori, Nigeria.
Letor Lee Foundation Volunteer Staff at Bori
Widows recieving their pallatives in Bori, Nigeria.
Far Right: Seimo Elvis. Rivers State cordinator LLF and volunteer staffs.
Bori Road
Partnership program with IBI Foundation
Mile one Market, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
2021 Letor Lee Foundation Calender
Pleasure Park, Aba Road, Portharcourt. Rivers State
The team giving back to school packs to children in Rivers State Nigeria
We strive to put a smile on the children we come across.
The kids recieved their books, pens and pencils.
We made sure all the kids had a back to school pack.
Distribution of fertilizer for local farmers in Rivers state Nigeria.
The locals were given fertilizers accord to their needs
Local women receive their fertilizers at the village town square Baen Town Khana Local government area, Rivers State. Nigeria.
Locals gather at the famous village town square to receive their fertilizers
The chief of the community receives Letor Lee Foundation and collects his own gifts as tradition demands.
The paramount ruler receives Letor Lee Foundation and collects his own gift as tradition demands.
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